ENGL101-1502B-37 Composition and Critical Thinking
Task Name:
Phase 3 Individual Project
Deliverable Length:
600â800 words
Weekly tasks or assignments (Individual Projects) will be due by Monday and late submissions will be assigned a late penalty in accordance with the late penalty policy found in the syllabus. NOTE: All submission posting times are based on midnight Central Time.
Task Assignment
For the next 3 Weeks, you will continue to work on your essay. Over the past 2 Weeks, you began your writing process by choosing a topic and completing an initial article review. This Week, you will write the first draft of your essay. This Individual Project will take you through the process of writing your first draft of your essay, which will be revised for your Phase 5 Individual Project.
Complete the following for this assignment:
Choose 1 topic from the following list that you are interested in writing about:
The justice system
Technology and cybersecurity
Health care and public health issues
Leadership in a global world
Formulate a research question to help you narrow your topic by asking yourself, What are the possible perspectives on the issue, and what is my position?
Performing research helps you to narrow your topic and find outside sources that will support your position.
Once you have decided on your position, use this template as a guideline to help you construct your essay in a separate Word document. The first draft of your essay should including the following (see template for more detail):
Thesis statement
First supporting paragraph(s)
Topic sentence
Supporting details
Second supporting paragraph(s)
Topic sentence
Supporting details
Third paragraph that discusses the counterargument of your topic
Reference page using APA format that includes 2â4 sources
Refer to the CTU Style Guide as a resource.
Double-spaced using 12 point, Times New Roman font
Please post this task to Submitted Assignments as a Word document.
For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.
The following grading criteria will be used to assess your first draft:
Phase 3 Individual Project Grading Criteria
Maximum Points
Includes an introduction with a specific thesis statement
Includes a minimum of 2 separate paragraphs to support thesis
Develops body paragraphs with specific details and support
Uses topic sentences for each body paragraph that connects to thesis
Includes a paragraph that discusses the counterargument
Includes a conclusion that summarizes the main idea of the essay
Uses 2â4 references to support argument
Uses proper spelling, punctuation, and grammar to write clearly and effectively
Uses APA style to format essay and cite sources
Course Materials (1)
Course Materials (2)
Points Possible:
Date Due:
Monday, Jun 08, 2015
Write effectively by demonstrating an understanding of correct usage grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
Identify main points of an effective argument.
Compose written documents that support and develop a point of view.
Recognize the importance of voice and perspective in effective communication.
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